of Pictographic & of Ancient Linear Scripture
The Ancient World is full of
inscriptions with the Common, Global, Greek Pictographic & Ancient Linear System of Writing-Reading of ancient speech!
here, on this Sarcophagus from the land of the
Etruscans, the Tyrrhenian, beats
the heart of Hellenism!
[Caution, do not misunderstand the meaning of the Hellenism why would disrupted the Barbarians* and, above all, to you are righteous to children-Greeks...
*Barbarian=everyone who speak different language! (Herodotus)]
READ together with us!
Before you read this, it is necessary to watch a series of :
Before you read this, it is necessary to watch a series of :
" The CoMMon oF WRiTiNG-ReaDiNG SySTeM oF aNCieNT SPeeCH "
which unifies the panhuman written language and solves mysteries about the Hieroglyphics, the Chinese, the Linear writings, the Phaistos Disk, the Aliens’ writings etc,
and WATCH one class of relevant COURSE
how and nobody wise of 20th century not tried to sell us, so like a...
cleverness, few from the later
Scriptures, from Neogrammiki Greek Scripture and from it, from the Latin
Scriptures, for the oldest Etruscan Scripture, just as they did with the
Palaiogrammiki, the Cuneiform and the hieroglyphic script ?

[Attention! Other thing is the code-idiom of speech's
inscription-reading and other the language of a people.]

We, here, will teach Eikonogrammati and Palaeogrammiki Scripture.
Some affairs of Humanity is purely Greek affairs,
– said the Prophytis! –
[Profytevo = I am preparing the soil to make the planting or, figuratively, to write the... history!
Prophytis = Who cultivates the soil for the planting, Underminer.]
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