There are not Mysteries in
this World! In front of every "Mystery" stands proudly the IGNORANCE
and the NAIVETY and the Queen of mobs and peoples, our STUPIDITY (all with
capitals and with... helmet!), those which with unforgiving reverence,
ekstatics look to us.
In an unlooted burial monument, 3500 year
old (KV 62, "Tutankhamuns Tomb"), from the Valley of the Kings of
Pharaonic Egypt, at tomb with the three, the one into the others valuable
coffins of a lame Pharaoh, you observe, at the entrance, the intact seal from rope
and clay and read the inscriptions on its doors and on the seal.
We will get from
Manethon (3rd century BC) the nomenclature of the two pharaoh of our subject,
and from The Grammatical-Structural Dictionary of the Greek Common, that
child of Akhenaten was Tutankhamun, and
his wife the Nefertiti, while him name was Amenhotep or Amenophis D' or
Akhenaten, a sickly nature with a strange appearance, was child pharaoch and priest
of God-Savior, while the inscription "Akhenaten’s Temple-Residence is
inside" can be read as "Tutanhaton", that is, Tutankhamun with
its oldest name!
Take into consideration that the Kings in ancient times, had no names.
He did not need a name for such a great lord. The Kings were the Kings! That's
all! The ancient rulers are still circulating with the names they themselves
had chosen or their palace flatterers or the historians!
Really, if you
happened to listen to it, why are they looking for Nefertiti at the Grave
Monument 62 (of Tutankhamun, as they say!) and not in the Grave Monument 55,
which they speculate to be of the Akhenaten? They know something or something
does not ... come out?
For what reasons some
people, from the sarcophagus of Tomb 55, that is supposed to belong to
Akhenaten, and apparently it were not plundered, destroyed the Pharaonic
symbols, and, most importantly, destroyed the cartridge that could reveal the
identity of its inhabitant? And these, and the two, are understandable to us!
All the sarcophagi
depict the God-Sun embracing and embodying the high occupants as temples-houses
of resurrection and their inscriptions relate exclusively to the God-Sun and
never to the dead, them they host.
We, here, will seek the
royal wife Nefertiti and with guide our suspicion and our observations, having
our ally the "Common World System of Inscription and Reading of the
Ancient World", we will seek, also, the Lord God-the Lord, the Akhenaten,
from the his available photographs, the utensils of his everyday life, and the
ritual burial-utensils bearing his stamp-identity.
A royal wife follows her husband and
not her son or her husband's son. Tomb 62, regardless of who is now a guest in
his royal reliquary, belongs to Akhenaten! The presence of Nefertites in the
depictions of the performances with the after-death wanderings of the Soul
strengthens the rationale of those who seek her here, but it leaves exposed
those who... they donated this tomb to Tutankhamun!
The royal dead of Tomb 62
was, indeed, lame! The countless royal sticks, amongst the many useful utensils
of his everyday life that accompany him in his afterlife, and the photo like as
the today Science depicts him, not is
leaving room for any doubt. However,
because we do not know Tutankhamun's health problems from other sources, we
will be shouting that we have discovered the luxurious tomb of a pharaoh, but
it is to investigate who he belongs to!

The one who is recognized,
physiognomically, and he is admitted to the kingdom of the dead by Osiris, who
is the wrapped with bandages, and is the chaperon of deads, the Hermes, the God
of the Deads of the ancient Egyptians, is Akhenaten, who is ... hurrying to
declare: "God of the City" ie King of City, in accordance with the
Egyptian standards, is recommend himself! (For kings, the additional surname
"God" circulates in ancient Egypt until the Ptolemaic era. On the
other hand, Pharaoh ~ the God of the peoples or of the swamps, the ruler of the
hegemony or of the hegemonies of the Nile! Pharaoh, a word unknown to the
ancients, introduced by Jewish theology to avoid confusion with God and the
Gods of various religious inventions.)
We will look carefully at the Throne of Tomb
62. Indeed, to whom do you think this throne belonged? Tutankhamun may have
inherited him, and there was no reason to places it in his father's grave and
so we found it in his own grave! We do not know this, and it is not critical to
look at it now. We will look carefully at
the Throne of Tomb 62, where Nefertiti (the Pharaoh-Sun's wife(1)) opposite
to Akenaton (the Sun of the People of Nile's marshes(2)), in front
of the Symbol of Solar Deity(3) and we will seek to get the seal
and the elements that mark the identity of the Pharaoh.
Notice another independent
photograph where Nefertiti declares όΜαυΛος-wife(4) of the
Sun-Akhenaten, who is supported by a stick! It is incredible! Akhenaten was
lame! Nature weak with strange
appearance, the Akhenaten. The misfortune for Akhenaten
was that, at first was discovered the Tomb 62, a tomb of a lame Pharaoh, which,
with the help of the... enlightened juggling students of Jean-Francois
Champolion, was certified as "The Tutankhamun's Tomb" and then this
photo and the Tomb 62 came to light!
We should not omit to ask and keep the
answers from some extracts from the sarcophagi of Tomb 62.
The burial monument 62 belongs to
Tutankhamun, as archeology of the 20th century admitted, or to Akhenaten, the
husband of Nefertiti? It is not excluded it can belongs to both, as long as the
son and successor of a pharaoh, pharaoch after, is buried in his father's
funerary monument. In this case, the Tomb belongs to Akhenaten and rightly they
are looking for Nefertiti there and there or somewhere else we should look for
a totally unknown Tutankhamun!
Does the mummy of "Tomb 62" belong to
Tutankhamun, the Akenaten's child, or to Akhenaten himself? The
answer, provided that the age of death of each, is presumed, is yours! But we have time for one last glance at the main hall of Tomb 62. The...
misfortune for Akhenaten was that when Tomb 62 was discovered, that of a lame
Pharaoh, with the help of... enlightened students of a Jean-Francois
Champolion, was certified as "Tutankhamun's Tomb" and
the curse of this tomb, the misery of
the Egyptologists of the 20th century, now, the end of the absurdity, on beginning of 21th century, is the seeking of
Nefertiti there!
Read also, experts or not, the Pharaonic
Deltus-Nomenclature of "Tutankhamun", which follows, written
with Eikonogrammaton &
Palaeogrammikon System of Writing-Reading of the Ancient World!

The Exodus and the Light
With torch the greek, the primitive of the
Peoples of the Sea, the Liberator Logos, we will break the dark veil of the
Goddess of forgetfulness and the River of the
forgetness of the ancient Mysteries, we will go through. Where the crook
Man awaits the... immortal souls of... the fighters of virtue, we will bring
the Light and we will enlighten the Mysteries! We will break the keys of the
Big crooks of antiquity and we will
free, the Old Man, from his ruthless tyrant!
Walking through the tomb, we will readed and
recognized persons and things related to the Ceremonies of Immortality during the path of the Soul, from death to
the Isles of the Blessed, that is to the Country of the Deads.
A theatrical performance, where the Death, winner of ephemeral Life, angel of Immortality and... are all there! The
psychopompos Hermes, Osiris the King of the Deads, the Flow of the Nile. The Queen of
Night, the Goddess of Forgetfulness, the Goddess of Sleeping and the Goddess of
Punishment. The image
"Ka" and the dead's dummy. Anubis the God of the Deads and
Amendi-Pluto, the end of the path of the Soul. The goddess Isis, sister and
wife of Osiris, as Goddess, as Mud, as goddess of wisdom, as goddess of Moon. They
are all there!
< < > >
READ with us.
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